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Academic Department
- Accounting (ACCTG)
- Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science (AFNS)
- Agricultural and Resource Economics (AREC)
- American Sign Language (ASL)
- Anatomy (ANAT)
- Animal Science (AN SC)
- Anthropology (ANTHR)
- Arabic (ARAB)
- Astronomy (ASTRO)
- Augustana Biology (AUBIO)
- Augustana Computing Science (AUCSC)
- Augustana Crime and Community (AUCRI)
- Augustana Economics (AUECO)
- Augustana English (AUENG)
- Augustana Environmental Studies (AUENV)
- Augustana Geography (AUGEO)
- Augustana Indigenous Studies (AUIND)
- Augustana Interdisciplinary Studies (AUIDS)
- Augustana Management (AUMGT)
- Augustana Mathematics (AUMAT)
- Augustana Philosophy (AUPHI)
- Augustana Physical Education (AUPED)
- Augustana Physics (AUPHY)
- Augustana Political Studies (AUPOL)
- Augustana Psychology (AUPSY)
- Augustana Religion (AUREL)
- Augustana Sociology (AUSOC)
- Augustana Statistics (AUSTA)
- Biochemistry (BIOCH)
- Bioinformatics (BIOIN)
- Biology (BIOL)
- Biophysics (BIOPH)
- Botany (BOT)
- Business (BUS)
- Business Law (B LAW)
- Business Technology Mangement (BTM)
- Chemical Engineering (CH E)
- Chemistry (CHEM)
- Chinese (CHINA)
- Christian Theology at St Joseph's College (CHRTC)
- Civil Engineering (CIV E)
- Classics (CLASS)
- Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD)
- Communications and Technology (COMM)
- Comparative Literature (C LIT)
- Computing Science (CMPUT)
- Creative Arts Therapies (CATS)
- Dental Hygiene (D HYG)
- Dentistry (DENT)
- Design (DES)
- Drama (DRAMA)
- Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (EAS)
- Economics (ECON)
- Education (EDU)
- Education - Elementary (EDEL)
- Education - Policy Studies (EDPS)
- Education - Psychology (EDPY)
- Education - Secondary (EDSE)
- Engineering Management (ENG M)
- English (ENGL)
- Entomology (ENT)
- Environmental Engineering (ENV E)
- Environmental and Conservation Sciences (ENCS)
- Extension (EXT)
- Extension Applied Land Use Planning (EXLUP)
- Extension Business Management (EXMGT)
- Extension Occupational Health & Safety (EXOS)
- FSJ - Anatomie (ANATE)
- FSJ - Biologie (BIOLE)
- FSJ - Chimie (CHIM)
- FSJ - Littérature (LITT)
- FSJ - Sciences sociales (SCSOC)
- Film Studies (FS)
- Finance (FIN)
- Forest Economics (FOREC)
- French Language and Literature (FREN)
- Gender and Social Justice (GSJ)
- Geophysics (GEOPH)
- Greek (GREEK)
- Health Education (HE ED)
- History (HIST)
- Human Ecology (HECOL)
- Human Geography (HGEO)
- Immunology and Infection (IMIN)
- Italian (ITAL)
- Japanese (JAPAN)
- Kinesiology, Recreation, Leisure and Sport (KRLS)
- Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation (KSR)
- Kinesiology (KIN)
- Korean (KOREA)
- Latin (LATIN)
- Law (LAW)
- Library and Information St (LIS)
- Linguistics (LING)
- Management Science (MGTSC)
- Marketing (MARK)
- Materials Engineering (MAT E)
- Mathematical Physics (MA PH)
- Mathematics (MATH)
- Medical Laboratory Science (MLSCI)
- Medical Microbiology and Immunology (MMI)
- Microbiology (MICRB)
- Modern Languages and Cultural Studies (MLCS)
- Music (MUSIC)
- Native Studies (NS)
- Neuroscience and Mental Health Institute (NEURO)
- Nursing (NURS)
- Nutrition (NUTR)
- Nutrition and Food Sciences (NU FS)
- Occupational Therapy (OCCTH)
- Oncology (ONCOL)
- Pharmacology (PMCOL)
- Pharmacy (PHARM)
- Philosophy (PHIL)
- Physical Therapy (PTHER)
- Physics (PHYS)
- Polish (POLSH)
- Political Science (POL S)
- Psychology (PSYCH)
- Radiation Therapy (RADTH)
- Recreation and Leisure Studies (RLS)
- Religious Studies (RELIG)
- Rural Sociology (R SOC)
- Scandinavian (SCAND)
- School of Public Health (SPH)
- Science, Technology, and Society (STS)
- Social Work (SOWK)
- Sociology (SOC)
- Spanish (SPAN)
- Spirituality and Multi Faith Theologies (SPRIT)
- St Stephen's College (SS)
- Statistics (STAT)
- Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Management (SEM)
- Women's and Gender Studies (WGS)
- Write (Creative Writing) (WRITE)
- Writing Studies (WRS)
4 Products
An Introduction to Drugs of Abuse Pmcol305 Ualberta Custom Edition - Zwozdesky
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Introduccion a La Sociolingustica Hispanica - Diaz-Campos
The print version of this book is currently out of stock, but you can still place an order and pick it up or have it shipped once it arrives. Need it now? Check out our digital options for same-day access.
Nuestro Idioma, Nuestra Herencia - Garcia
The print version of this book is currently out of stock, but you can still place an order and pick it up or have it shipped once it arrives. Need it now? Check out our digital options for same-day access.