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- Abroad, Study Term (ABROD)
- American Sign Language (ASL)
- Anthropology (ANTHR)
- Augustana Chemistry (AUCHE)
- Augustana Computing Science (AUCSC)
- Augustana Crime and Community (AUCRI)
- Augustana Economics (AUECO)
- Augustana English (AUENG)
- Augustana Environmental Studies (AUENV)
- Augustana French (AUFRE)
- Augustana German (AUGER)
- Augustana History (AUHIS)
- Augustana Indigenous Studies (AUIND)
- Augustana Music (AUMUS)
- Augustana Physical Education (AUPED)
- Augustana Physics (AUPHY)
- Augustana Psychology (AUPSY)
- Augustana Religion (AUREL)
- Augustana Science (AUSCI)
- Augustana Statistics (AUSTA)
- Biology (BIOL)
- Chemistry (CHEM)
- Christian Theology at St Joseph's College (CHRTC)
- Classics (CLASS)
- Digital Humanities (DH)
- Drama (DRAMA)
- Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (EAS)
- East Asian Studies (EASIA)
- Education (EDU)
- Education - Elementary (EDEL)
- Education - Psychology (EDPY)
- English (ENGL)
- FSJ - Biologie (BIOLE)
- FSJ - Chimie (CHIM)
- FSJ - Microbiologie (MICRE)
- Film Studies (FS)
- French Language and Literature (FREN)
- Genetics (GENET)
- Greek (GREEK)
- History (HIST)
- Human Ecology (HECOL)
- Japanese (JAPAN)
- Kinesiology, Recreation, Leisure and Sport (KRLS)
- Korean (KOREA)
- Law (LAW)
- Materials Engineering (MAT E)
- Native Studies (NS)
- Nursing (NURS)
- Psychology (PSYCH)
- Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Management (SEM)
- Women's and Gender Studies (WGS)